Work was soooo slow today. I don't seen I've ever seen the store have so few customers. But it was fun, because my coworkers are insane and crazy and that always makes for some good times. I should've taken pictures of everybody, but I was too lazy. So I only got a few pictures. I was a salt-shaker. I know, lots of girls use Halloween as a time to get all primped up in cute sexy costumes, but no sir, not me. I'm a salt-shaker kind of gal. Plus, the costume was so huge on me that it kind of felt like I was wearing a blanket all day. And I like blankets.

I've been up since 2:30 AM. I had madcrazy insomnia last night. I remembered hearing that warm milk helps people sleep, but I was afraid that I would make it too hot, so I drank a glass of cold milk instead, which ended up making me feel sick to my stomach, which only contributed to the fact that I couldn't sleep.
Speaking of sleep... good night.
That is so adorable that you were a saltshaker. Salt is a good thing for life!
You should have told people you were a SEXY shaker. Get it? And you could have wiggled around and screamed 'sexy sexy!' and --
ok, i'll stop.
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