Nacho should be making his appearance any day now, so we're all just waiting and waiting. Amber picked me up at work today and we went and got Chinese food at a place in the International District that we used to go to all the time when we were living together. We did it just like we used to, we both went in and decided on an order, then Amber waited in the car so it didn't get towed, and I sat on the bench and waited for them to bring out our food. It made me feel a bit nastalgic, which I try not to let happen, because these days that can be dangerous, but seriously, sometimes I really miss this time of my life:

The four of us watched The Great Pumpkin and America's Next Top Model and LOST. Then Kat went to sleep and Rebecca and Amber and I talked about some very, um, interesting things. The mood got very strange, and then Amber was saying how much she wishes Nacho would decide that he is ready to come out, and then Rebecca tried to help Amber. Um... I have a picture of Rebecca trying to help.

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