I've been really busy lately. It is quite fascinating to me, how I feel like I don't have a life, yet I never seem to have a spare minute of free time. Weird. Anyways, I'm too tired to recall dates and times of anything right now, but here are some tidbits for the sake of this blog not feeling neglected.
I'm full time at work now, and I've been doing some overtime to make sure we have enough fudge to last the week. I don't mind the overtime at all, since I love baking. It may be one of the most theraputic skills that I have ever learned. There was a bit of a crisis the other day. I had made 26 trays of fudge, (yep, and each tray is 6 pounds, and that is just enough to last the weekend), and I was putting the last tray in the cooling cupboard and (cue dramatic music) all the trays collapsed. IT WAS AWFUL. None of the fudge had cooled yet, so it all ran together, and I managed to save alot of it, but I ended up having to make a whole new batch of chocolate fudge in order to repair all that had been injured. It was very frusterating, because everything had been going so well. Sigh.
Today at work, I made strawberry cheesecake fudge. It is a new recipe, and it was only the second time that I had ever made it, so I'm still messing with it trying to get the strawberry part to taste right. Every time I added new ingredients, I had to taste it to see if it was where I wanted it to be, and it took a long time. I know you are all thinking that I should shut up and not complain about being paid to eat fudge, but trust me, when you eat it because you have to, not because you want to, it is a very different experience. Don't get me wrong, I love the fudge and I eat it almost daily, but during this "time of the month" (are you all following me) my body rebels against me very easily and I get the worst cramps in the history of the world. If I'm careful about what I eat and drink, then I can usually stop that from happening. But I had to eat lots of fudge today to get the freakin strawberry flavor right, and my body did not like that at all. By the time I was standing at the bus stop after work, I had shooting pains going all through my body. Seriously, from my shins to my neck, pain pain pain. Ugh. I guess I can't have my fudge and eat it too.
Kai came over the other day and we spent the whole day in my apartment watching Sex and the City and consuming the leftover birthday supplies from Kai's party. It was really fun. I like my new place, but it doesn't feel like home yet, because I still haven't had time to finish unpacking. I've made a little bit of headway, but I still have a long ways to go.
I talked to Nancy today, which is always splenderific.
I played piano for an hour when I got home from work and my new neighbors don't seem to mind it, which is nice.
I have a huge bruise on my thigh from where I walked into a pole on my way to the bus stop. I rule.
I feel like I had alot more to say, but now I can't remember any of it. Sorry.

How did you manage to walk into a pole?
BTW-You're a pretty poodle.
It wasn't a telephone pole, it was one of these weird little mini-poles that only come halfway out of the ground.
I am very pretty.
Did you color that Seattle picture yourself?
Nancy rocks. I get the worst cramps ever also when it's my "time of the month". I've heard that if you get really bad cramps then your labor pains won't be as bad as they could be. So I guess that's something to look forward to, that is, if you plan on ever having a baby. Right now I'm NOT ready for that. I see that you put my link on your page! YAY! I feel loved (or liked, at least). :) Is it just me or have the word verification words gotten longer?
yeah, they have!
And you are definitely LOVED. :)
So ... am I to understand that this "time of the month" is a bad time?
Yes, you are to understand that.
pink wine? There is a pretty decent pink wine (as far as pathetic little pink wines go, that is) called Pink Knot. Maybe you'd like it!
I actually don't like pink wine that much. All the kinds that I have tried are too sweet. But I thought of the name when Rebecca and i were joking about the time when I had one (five) too many glasses wine and accidentally mixed red wine with white wine. (I drank it anyways... wouldn't want any wine to go to waste)!
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