Wow, I haven't updated this thing in abagillion years.
Hmmm, what have I been doing lately? I was really, really sick all of last week. I think it might have been a version of the flu. I had to take a few days off of work, and I spent the majority of my time laying in bed and watching Northern Exposure. I was very sick, but even more than that, I was completely exhausted. I'm feeling way better now, just pretty tired, so I've been doing my darndest to get enough sleep and all that.
I've been trying to figure out what I want to do when my lease is up at the end of March. I don't have any reason to stay in Seattle. Of course I have made some friends here that I will miss, but at this point I have friends that I will miss all over the freakin world, so that's just something that I'm going to have to get used to. I've been thinking that I want to go back to Oregon, in which case I could still come back and visit my Seattle peeps whenever. I have had several moments lately where it hits me that I'll miss Seattle more than I origionally thought I would. But like I said, I just don't have any real reason to stay here.
There is one non-Oregon idea that I've been toying with, and that would involve going to work at a National Park. I've always wanted to, and what better time than the present? My main obstacle is that I need to find a place that has a piano that I would be able to play during my off-time. My employment would be for a five month period, and there is no way I would even think of going that long without a piano.
In other news, Katie was in Seattle for the weekend! I was still a bit sick, but it was still mucho fun-o. Especially Sunday, when we spent the entire day eating Party Pizzas, drinking wine, and watching Northern Exposure.
There. I updated my blog. Yay for me.

1 comment:
By Oregon you mean Ashland, right?
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