I went to the Pooky-Palace last night and watched movies with Rebecca-feather-face. I've been kind of sick and really tired, so it was nice to just sit and relax and be mellow. Scotty got home around 11 PM and the three of us re-watched the LOST finale. I can't believe that we have to wait until February to find out what is going to happen next! It is sooo not fair. This morning we went to the Folklife Festival at the Seattle Center. It was fun and I got to see Misty River perform, which made me happy. But as I said, I'm a tad bit sick right now, so around 3 PM I got hit by a wave of exhaustion and decided to go home. It was a nice afternoon, and now I'm going to eat chicken soup and try to convince my body that it is time to get better.

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