Saturday, August 25, 2007

"Have a seat while I take to the sky"

-Tori Amos

Do I win the award for the world's most blogger? I probably do.

I really don't have alot to report. I've been spending lots and lots and lots of time playing piano lately, so I've been a bit isolated from the world. I had today off and work didn't call and ask me to come in and it has been a much needed relaxing day. I slept for ELEVEN HOURS (!!!) then did cross-stitch, then practiced off and on for five hours. Yay.

This was a very exciting blog entry. I bet that entries like this make you sad that I don't blog more, huh?

To conclude this very insightful blog, here is a picture that has no relation to anything that I just wrote. Enjoy!


Sue Pesznecker said...

Yes! Okay, YES! You win the prize for worst blogger. It's one it's way to your apartment. You'll like the delivery guy.

Sue Pesznecker said...

Damn. I spelled 'on' wrong. I'm a collej writting teechur and I spelld 'in' rong.