Today was really fun, although nothing went how it was supposed to. If I had been with anyone but Scotty and Rebecca, it may have been a bummer of a day. But seeing as how the three of us can find oodles of joy in just about anything, it was all okay. We were supposed to go to a friend's house to learn how to use swords. (No, I'm not kidding, welcome to the world of having fun pagan friends)! I woke up this morning feeling not so good. I went to bed last night feeling absolutely drained of any form of life, slept for almost 10 hours, and woke up feeling just as tired. Sigh. I actually almost cancelled on the pookies, but I never see them and I knew that I should probably get out of bed at some point. So I headed downtown and took the bus to Everett. Scotty and Rebecca picked me up and we were on our way. We drove, then drove some more, then we drove a little more, then we realized we were lost. Well, not so much lost as that we were given directions that didn't actually work. There we were in Renton, all dressed up (not really) and nowhere to go.

The time came to say good-bye to Clayton. It was very sad, but it had to be done. Then we got back in the car and went to A&W and ate yummy food and had lots of fun.

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