I really don't have much to blog about at the moment, but here is this nice new blog all fresh and ready for words, and I'm about to go camping for four days and I can't let it sit all empty and alone for that long! That would be tragic.
[Just so you all know, I have been staring at my screen for about 60 seconds, trying to think of something to write...]
Wow. What an amazing first blog this is turning out to be. Note to self: Don't blog before having morning coffee.
Um... hi.
I know, I'll write about moving! Yeah, I'm in the process of moving, and I'm ready for the process to be over. I'm very happy that I will be in a new environment soon, and I'm very happy that Kat and I are going to be roomies. But I'm so busy, and I've packed lots of boxes but I feel like there are still a million more boxes to be packed, and I really need to find a piano mover. Sigh.
I work today until 5 PM, then Rebecca-snarfle-nose is picking me up and we're going to prepare for tomorrow, which is when we are leaving to go camping! Wow, I'm getting to go camping twice in one week! I don't think that has ever happened to me. I'm excited to see my bro-wo. We don't see eachother much, even though we live really close. Our work hours don't mesh well. I've been needing him alot in these last few weeks. Not even for advice or anything, just needing to see him. Sometimes you just need your big brother to remind you that the world is still a pretty place, you know?
Anyways... over the next week or two I'm going to work on making this blog a little more spiffy. Must go drink more coffee now. Much love.

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