Friday, July 27, 2007

"I followed suit and laid out on my back (imagine that), a million hours left to think of you and think of that."

-Tegan & Sara

Sorry that I haven't been updating lately. Actually that's not true, I don't actually feel that Sorry about it, but it just sounds nice to say sometimes.

I read the Harry Potter book. I won't spoil anything for the weirdos that have yet to read it, but I was very satisfied with the last book. The movie is going to be amazing.

I'm in love with the new Tegan & Sara CD, along with abagillion other CDs. I'm totally on a "discover new music" kick, and it is rocking my world.

I would love to write more, (maybe not "love" to write more, but maybe I would "like" to write a little more), but my brain is lacking any form of real activity right now. So here is a picture:

Saturday, July 07, 2007

"Turn me on over with a sorrowful tune, tear me apart from the smoky old room, and hold me in the sweet air..."

-Kate Power & Steve Einhorn

I'm in Portland right now, at Tom & Sonya's place. David is visiting from Arizona, so Kai and I came down for yet another SOU Music Reunion. I hadn't seen David for over three years, so of course I had to make the trip down here. We got here last night and we all stayed up until 2 AM being goofy and ridiculous. Except for Sonya. She went to be kind of early, which is understandable seeing as how her baby is due in three weeks and therefore she is a wee bit tired. Today we don't have any specific plans but I'm pretty sure that we're going to go down to the Saturday Market at some point.

Now I'm drinking coffee and listening to Kate Power on my ipod and waiting for all of these sleepy-heads to wake up. I've been up since 7 and I forgot my book in Seattle (insert deep, dramatic sigh here), so I figured that this would be a good time to blog, because Rebecca-noodle-nose just sent me the 4th of July pictures! The 4th was a fun day. We went to David's house and it was really mellow, which was exactly what I needed. *Tink*

Monday, July 02, 2007

"We've been a help and a hindrance to each other. I guess it's always that way, the good and the bad all mixed up."

-The Song of the Lark

This picture is from a few days ago. It was my first day off in a month, (with the exception of the two days that I was in Portland), and Stef and I celebrated by walking to Capitol Hill for breakfast. Then we wandered around downtown for awhile and eventually walked back home. It wasn't until we got home that I realized that my skin was itchy and burny. I looked in the mirror and saw that my chest and face were very, very red. Sigh. Luckily I had some lotion with aloe and that stuff really does the trick. Now I actually look tan, as opposed to Red. So I guess what I'm saying is yay for aloe. Or something.

Jessica and I are doing a pretty good job at staying in touch via e-mail, so at least we are somewhat able to know the main details of each other's lives. It's still hard though. I really miss our talks and our random text messaging and randomly getting mix CDs in the mail every few weeks. But I'm trying to be grateful that we can at least e-mail. I was remembering when I was in Michigan and had to go 3 months without a cell phone or the internet, with the exception of 25 minutes once every two weeks. That wasn't fun. So at least we can write to each other more often than that.

(I'd like to say as a side note that I feel like all my sentences are poorly structured right now but I'm too tired to fix them. Just FYI).

Let's see, what else... Ummm.... Ummmmmmmmm... I like having Stefani as a roommate. We don't have a TV and we have two pianos and it's all around a nice environment to come home to. Gina came over last week and the three of us drank wine and played piano. Good times.

I think maybe that is all I have to say. I just wanted to actually write something instead of posting lots of pictures. Mission accomplished.

But just for kicks, here is one more picture for your viewing pleasure: